Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Giving To Elders

Let us not be unwise, but wise. Yes, the command to us is: Sell your possessions and give to the poor. But let us remember that the first poor person we must give to is the elder who teaches us God's word. Some would say, "Yet he is not poor, we give him a descent salary." Perhaps so, but the members still determine his salary and give him what the members see fit. Such a leader who teaches the word of the Lord is worthy of double honor, Paul says. And extravagant income, not just a paltry one. Woe to the church who keeps wealth for themselves, or who forces their pastor or his wife to hold a second job to make ends meet.

The primary act of a church budget is to provide for the needs of the pastor. Any church who reduces a pastor's salary for the sake of a building or a cirriucuulum or program or denominational administration has lost God's desire for a church. Now I would be the first to admit that pastors, as well as most Christians in the U.S., have inflated salaries and that they have not God's purposes for their income in mind, but their own gain. As Scripture says, the greedy will not gain God's kingdom, I believe that a greedy pastor is not worthy of his office. And God will judge every church leader who maligns God's word for their own comfort or gain. But let us not now speak of a Christian leader's responsibilities, but of the duty of the receiver of God's word to the one who teaches it. Jesus taught that a worker is worthy of his hire. Thus, the teacher of God's word, the follower of Jesus, has sacrificed much in order to understand and give freely this most precious of all gifts: the word of God. To listen to and to obey God's word is the most difficult work any of us can undertake. To teach God's word doubly so, for those who teach and yet do not do are under the curse of God. Thus, we must examine ourselves carefully and compare ourselves and our followers to God's word daily.

Not only give to your pastor, but pray for him as well. He needs your mediation before God. Pray that God would give him boldness when he needs to be a prophet and humble when he needs to be persecuted. Pray that he would discern the word of God truly, by the Holy Spirit and that his emotions and schedule and earthly duties would never stand in God's way of him doing God's will. Then turn around and pray the same for yourself that you may be counted worthy of such a pastor that you were praying for.

Text of The Radical Reformer radio show #56

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