Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Bible Study on Wealth

By “Pastor Joseph Melrose”

This chapter does not represent the teaching of the author, but provides an example of the use of Scripture in a typical evangelical setting. A discussion on the information in this chapter is contained in chapter 2.

Wealth is acceptable to God
1. Abraham, Isaac, Job, Joseph of Aramathea, Zacchaeus all righteous men, were wealthy. Genesis 24:35; Genesis 26:13; Job 1:1-3; Job 34:12; Matthew 27:57; Luke 19:2.

2. The congregation of Israel contained both the rich and the poor. Exodus 30:15.

3. There is not to be impartiality to the poor nor to the rich. Leviticus 19:15.
4. The Lord makes some people rich. I Samuel 2:7; Proverbs 10:22.

5. Being rich is an acceptable goal to attain to. Proverbs 18:11; 21:17; Proverbs 22:7.

6. Paul commends the rich in the church. I Timothy 6

Cautions about wealth
1. Don’t use wealth to oppress others. Proverbs 22:16
2. Don’t use wealth to do evil. I Timothy 6:9.
3. Don’t be greedy for wealth. Luke 12: 15
4. Don’t be conceited. I Timothy 6:17
5. Don’t fix your hope on this world’s wealth. I Timothy 6:17
6. Don’t get involved in get-rich-quick schemes. Proverbs 28:20

A proper understanding of Mark 10:19-27 in light of the gospel.

1. Jesus’ discussion with the rich man was about rewards in heaven. The second discussion, with the disciples, was about being saved eternally.

2. Jesus was trying to show the man how following the law is impossible. When the man claimed to obey all of these commandments without sin, Jesus knew that he had to increase the stakes. So he made the law impossible to follow by offering an interpretation of “Do not covet what belongs to your neighbor.” Jesus told him to sell his possessions and give to the poor so that he would be able to see that he could not be saved by the legalism.

3. While Jesus claimed that it was hard for rich people to enter into the kingdom, even impossible, the disciples’ response was “who then can be saved?” This indicates that they figured that if rich people could not be saved, then no one could. Jesus’ response showed them to be right. He says that for anyone wanting to be saved, it is impossible. But with God all things are possible. This indicates the true gospel—no one is saved by works, but by God’s grace alone.

Principles of Stewardship

1. The man who has God’s wealth is a steward of that wealth, entrusted to be responsible with that wealth. Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-26; Luke 16:10.

2. The steward of God provides a tithe of one’s income for the house of God. Leviticus 27:30; Malachi 3:10.

3. The steward of God is to increase that wealth for the sake of building God’s kingdom. Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-26; Matthew 6:33.

4. The steward of God should make sure that their family is well cared for. I Timothy 5:8.

5. The steward of God should make sure that the needs of the pastor are provided for. I Timothy 5:17-18.

6. Those who use their steward position for the sake of evil will be punished by not receiving their reward on the last day. Luke 12:42-46.

7. Those who fail to increase the wealth the Lord has given them will be punished by not receiving their reward on the last day. Luke 19:24-26.

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