Monday, September 29, 2008

Wealth As A Stumbling Block

Jesus warned against greed, saying that one’s life does not consist of the wealth one has (Luke 12:15). And that wealth is fundamentally unrighteous, and that it will fail in the end (Luke 16:9).

Jesus also said it is difficult—impossible for any but God to do—for the wealthy to enter God’s kingdom. (Mark 10:23-25; Matthew 19:23-24; Luke 18:24-25). He claimed that the rich among his followers would not receive comfort on the final day (Luke 6:24)—possibly meaning that they would not inherit the kingdom of God, since this is in opposition to the poor of his disciples who would.

Serving wealth is given as a display of having an idol in one’s heart and thus being unable to serve God (Matthew 6:24). Jesus warned that worry for the things of this life, the deceitfulness of riches and the desire of things causes one to no longer abide in the gospel (Mark 4:19). Jesus commanded not to store up wealth on earth, but to rather send it up to heaven (Matthew 6:19-20; Luke 12:21).

The principle behind this is that where ones treasure is, there will the heart be (Matthew 6:21; Luke 12:34)—meaning that one’s commitment is indicated by what one pours his resources into. A man putting his wealth into his future comfort on earth is condemned as a fool because he is not prepared for his death (Luke 12:16-21).

The rich man was punished after death, while the poor Lazarus was given comfort (Luke 16:19-21).

Other passages outside of Jesus indicate the difficulty of wealth:
James condemns the rich in his epistle (James 1:11; 2:6; 5:1-6).

The Psalms at times indicate that the rich are among the wicked and will be condemned (Psalm 37:16; 49:16-20).

The one who gains wealth through oppression is condemned throughout Scripture (Deut. 14:14-15; Psalm 62:10; 73:8,12; 107:39-40; Proverbs 22:16; 28:16; Isaiah 30:12-13; Ezekiel 22:12; Hosea 12:7-8; Micah 6:10-14; James 2:6). See also Baruch 3:16-19.

Condemnation of the Rich
God makes both rich and poor—the former to be brought low, the latter to be exalted. I Samuel 2:4-8
The rich of Jesus’ disciples are to be unhappy for they have already received their comfort. Luke 6:24, 25
The rich are to boast in the lowly position before God, for he will fade in the final day. James 1:10-11
The rich are condemned for their oppression and hoarding. James 5:1-5
It is nearly impossible for the rich to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Mark 10:23-25
The rich man is sent to be punished in Hades. Luke 16:22-23
Those who are exalted will be humbled. Matthew 23:12; Luke 14:11; Luke 18:14.
The rich are sent away by God empty-handed. Luke 1:53

The one who uses his resources for pleasure is opposed to the life of God
Proverbs 21:17—He who loves pleasure will be a poor man
Ecclesiastes 2:1-11—Pursuing pleasure is emptiness
Ecclesiastes 7:3-4—The fool is in the house of pleasure; the wise are found sorrowing
Isa 58:4, 13—Do not use the time of fasting or the Lord’s day for pleasure, but for the needy
Ezekiel 16:9—Sodom lived a life of ease and pleasure without regard to the poor
Luke 8:14—Seed among thorns is choked by this world’s pleasures
I Tim 5:6—The one who gives herself over to pleasures is dead even while alive
II Tim 3:4—In the last day, people will be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.
Titus 3:3—Before God, we were enslaved to pleasures
Hebrews 11:24-26—Moses chose ill-treatment with God rather than the pleasures of this world
James 4:1-3—You do not receive what you ask because you want to spend it on your pleasures
James 5:5—The rich live a life of pleasure, and so will be judged

Keeping one’s wealth for oneself is condemned
The one who has extra should share with those who has none—Luke 3
The man who prepares for pleasure in his retirement is condemned as being not rich toward God—Luke 12
Do not store up treasures on earth—Matthew 6:19
The rich man who hoards is condemned. James 5:1-5.

Wealth as idolatry
Deuteronomy 6:10-15—When the children of Israel receive the wealth of the land they did not earn themselves, they should not forget the Lord and go to worship other gods.
Matthew 6:24—You can either serve God or mammon
Matthew 6:19-21—Do not store treasures on earth, for where your treasure is, your heart will follow.
Ephesians 5:3—Greed must not be named among the saints
Colossians 3:5—Greed is idolatry.
I Timothy 6:17—Tell the rich not to set their hope on uncertain riches, but on God.
James 4:3-5—Those who use what God gives them for their own pleasures are adulterers, whom God yearns for earnestly

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